
Home Energy Backup Solutions from Alltime Power

Alltime Power makes it easy to find the right home energy backup solution. The platform allows homeowners to calculate their energy needs for free, then request bids from multiple local dealers who will compete for their business. The best part is, the company offers multiple solutions designed to meet a wide range of backup energy needs.

Standby Generators

Standby generators typically run off natural gas and can be hooked directly into the local grid. They use automatic transfer switches to monitor the power coming from municipal electricity companies, then switch the whole home or select circuits over to the generator within seconds of any power interruption.

The Pros

Standby generators are a little more expensive than portable generators, but they’re cheaper than battery backups. They switch on and off automatically, ensuring that the household always has access to sufficient power.

There are many models available, which means it’s easy to find one that will be capable of powering all the home’s essential systems, or even the entire household. Since standby generators usually run off of natural gas, they can be hooked into the local grid to avoid the need for refilling tanks or scheduling deliveries. Plus, they can supply power for days, weeks, or even months as long as they are provided with a sufficient supply of fuel.

The Cons

Standby generators require more ongoing maintenance than backup battery banks. They also rely on fuel to produce power, which can leave them vulnerable to supply chain disruptions. If a serious natural disaster takes out not just the local electrical grid, but also the municipal fuel supply, homeowners and their families may be left without power until the issue is resolved.

Backup Batteries

Backup batteries work a little differently. They don’t generate power by themselves. Instead, they store power drawn from either the municipal grid or on-site solar panels.

While most homeowners use their standby generators only during emergencies, people who choose to install backup batteries can use them to save money on their monthly bills. They can store energy from the grid during times of low use, when electricity is the least expensive, then discharge it during peak operating hours.

The Pros

Backup batteries don’t use fuel, which means there’s no need to worry about supply chain interruptions. They can also be hooked up to solar panels to provide power on-site for everyday use. Some homeowners can even sell their excess power back to the grid to help them recoup their investments.

The Cons

A backup battery bank installed without solar panels or a fuel-powered generator will only provide a short-term solution to power outages. Once families use up the electricity stored in the battery bank, they’ll be left in the dark until the municipal utilities turn back on.

Thankfully, there’s a simple solution to this problem. Homeowners can install solar panels that will keep their batteries charged for free using the power of the sun. If the system is hooked up to solar panels, the battery will be able to provide electricity almost indefinitely.

The Bottom Line

There’s no one energy backup system that’s right for every family. That’s why Alltime offers a range of solutions to fit different needs and budgets. Figure out which electricity company near me offers the most affordable rates for your needs and budget. Visit their website to learn about generators, battery banks, hybrid systems, and other solutions, or request a quote to get started finding an installation contractor today.